It is a well known fact that a great number of people really enjoy consuming food in public places. Many like to try different restaurants where they get the opportunity to experience different cuisines. Most will insist at eating at establishments that they feel are clean and that the food is fresh and of good …
Category: Food
What Will a Food Science Degree Do For You?
The food industry is a big one and it is one that is appealing to many that want to enter it by making some segment of it a career for their future. One of the challenges that come with a food industry career is what segment of the industry should one choose? For those that …
Starting a Food Catering Business
There are so many different fields of employment that one can enter into with the food industry that it can be somewhat confusing to decide which would be best for any individual. Many young students have the aspiration of opening their own business one day. For those that are going to enter into the world …
The dangers of eating out too often
Everybody enjoys eating out from time to time, it’s seen as a harmless pastime but it can actually be quite addictive. Somebody else cooking for you allows you to feel special in a way. It’s a nice experience but one that many people do way too often. It is recommended that you only eat out …
Looking at the Trends In UK Food Production
Every industry has trends that are set for them. The same applies to the food industry which includes food production. The average consumer usually doesn’t pay too much attention as to where the food that they buy comes from. Although there is more attention being paid to food production sources for example in the UK …
How to Become A Chef In the UK
With there being so many cooking shows and reality shows on television today it is enticing a lot of young people to look into becoming a chef. Some do this because they have a real passion for food preparation and consider it to be a challenge to become a renowned chef. For others, they are …
Becoming a Kitchen Porter
It is not uncommon for many that are looking to enter into the food industry to think that being a kitchen porter is not a very exciting or worthy position to fill in this industry. This way of thinking is because many don’t understand the importance of it. Without quality and passionate kitchen porters being …
Food Laws In the UK
The UK has a whole gambit of different food laws that apply to the many different divisions in the food industry. They are all very important and they serve a different purpose. The main concern is food safety and the rules and regulations are put in place by different levels of government. Some of the …
Should Warnings Be Heeded About Children’s Foods?
It is totally natural for parents to be concerned about the foods that they are serving their children. In today’s modern world the kids have more input into what they want to eat and many parents will generally go along with this. It is much easier to give a child the food they like then …
Does Food Prices Affect Inflation?
The average person in the UK has to be concerned about inflation as it affects the amount of money they have to spend and what they can spend. When an industry like the food industry has to raise food prices like it did in the UK in 2017, then, of course, there is cause for …